Aloha Love Fund

Helping to Heal Maui

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raised towards $15,111 goal




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Helping to Heal Maui

Plus One Foundation is supporting survivors in Maui with the creation of our Aloha Love Fund. Aloha Love will provide immediate relief to those struggling with PTSD and other neurological conditions, as well as expanding our impact by including volunteers and healthcare workers who have been tirelessly working to aid their community. All donations to Aloha Love will go directly to locals in Maui, offering financial assistance for the therapies and healing needed after the traumatic fires. Join us today by donating to Aloha Love, and together we can make waves of change.

The experiences shared with us by those who lived through the devastation further illustrates the need to act. We spoke with a woman who swam into the ocean to escape the fire. She watched as her home was engulfed in flames. She spent hours treading water until it was safe for her to return to the beach. She witnessed the terror and death of those around her and came out of the water seemingly losing everything. Yet, she said to those who asked, "I feel so blessed, I am alive." It is with stories like hers that we found ourselves needing to make immediate change. Our Aloha Love Fund will do just that.